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Great Relief of Pain

By Mark Tennyson, May 8, 2010


Namo Holy Ziguang Shang Shi,

In Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma course, I can feel the life energy healing me. I really want to become whole again. I have been ill for far too long. The pain I feel is great, signaling great healing. In the practice today I was able to submit to the pain allowing my third eye to open seeing the white light for the first time. I am not a person that yields to anyone, however by yielding to the pain and trusting the light to heal me, I am feeling about 80% less pain in my back than just 2 days ago.

My hope is that I can help to express the amazing power of the Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma in a way that other Americans can understand.

Thank you Namo Holy Ziguang Shang Shi for opening my third eye. Thank you for channeling the life energy and protecting from the death energy.

Thank you,

Mark Tennyson

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